Prossimi eventi

Skills course: paediatric bronchoscopy - ERS
Skills course: paediatric bronchoscopy

Where the world of healthcare meets
Connect and do business with your industry peers this January.
Keeping healthcare innovation and sustainability at the forefront of the 2023 event, we welcome you to another exhilarating edition of Arab Health.
Join us from 30 January - 02 February at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

CMEF - China International Medical Equipment Fair
The China International Medical Equipment Fair(CMEF), a medical equipment exhibition, brings together international medical equipment brands to connect with globally licensed medical equipment distributors, resellers, manufacturers, doctors, regulators and government agencies.

MEDICA Düsseldorf (Germania) - Forum Mondiale per la Medicina
Siamo lieti di dar Vi il benvenuto a Düsseldorf come visitatori ed operatori di settore all'appuntamento del mercato mondiale della tecnologia e dei prodotti medicali, in tutta la loro complessità, in grado di rispondere a tutte le Vostre esigenze con le giuste soluzioni. Anche quest'anno, l'edizione di MEDICA 2022 proseguirà il suo percorso internazionale proponendo una scelta straordinaria di innovazioni a livello mondiale.

Congresso Nazionale SIMRI
XXVI Congresso Nazionale SIMRI si terrà a Palermo dal 27 al 29 ottobre 2022

UEG Week Vienna
UEG Week 2022 takes place at the Messe Wien Exhibition and Congress Center, a hub for international and national congresses, which offers the ideal conditions for inspiring meetings.

XXI congresso della Società Italiana di Endoscopia Toracica (SIET)
XXI congresso della Società Italiana di Endoscopia Toracica (SIET)

ERS International Congress 2022
The ERS Congress is the once-a-year occasion when the world’s respiratory experts come together, to present and discuss the latest scientific and clinical advances across the entire field of respiratory medicine. It welcomes a global audience of respiratory focused professionals inclusive of clinicians, scientists and researchers, and allied healthcare professionals. As the ERS Congress reaches its 32nd year, we invite you to register for this year’s event – our first to offer both in-person or online attendance.

Join the chest community in Bologna, 27-29 June, for the return to an in-person premier education event. With 4 days of top-tier education and the irreplaceable opportunity for face-to-face networking, you won’t want to miss this! In partnership with the Italian delegation, the CHEST Congress 2022 will deliver relevant, engaging content from world-renowned faculty, bringing you the latest advancements in chest medicine.

Endoscopy On Air
A Endoscopy On Air incontrerai e interagirai con i principali medici e partner del mondo. Puoi vedere dal vivo o registrarti a eventi di endoscopia virtuale gratuiti dalla comodità della tua casa, ufficio, clinica o università.